
I find a lot of other meditations extremely difficult and my mind wanders like yours. Swimming is my meditation option of choice. Something about the breathing and the rhythm of the stroke does it for me.

The duality is so present, you describe it well and you don't come off as whiny or anything but realistic. You have done some great things this year, despite the crap, and I've learned so much from journeying with you. 💜

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Thanks, SJ! I've learned a lot from you too! I hope you're healing up well! ❤️

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Jul 16Liked by Heather Plett, Krista

Krista: just an idea, but have you ever tried walking meditations? I find the rhythm of the movement helps my sub-conscious mind to process things so much better and soothes the squirrelly left-brain (capitalist brain?) that says I must always be doing something. I used to go out early in the morning when everyone is still asleep and they don’t need me yet and plan breakfast, my day, life while also giving my subconscious a bigger problem to work on: sort of setting an intention around pondering something that’s bothering me and then just walking and letting it percolate. I think there is still value in sitting and meditating if only just to notice how silly our minus brain is, but it might be worth a try. On Nepal they walk in circles. In Vietnam as well (with Thich Naht Hahn).

I agree with everything g you say about the duality of life : joy and sorrow can be held at the same time (spending time with an old friend who died of cancer two weeks after I visited him in Italy, so much gratitude for being there, so much sadness and stress around wanting to be able to do more, turn back the clock…). You have a beautiful way with words and I especially love the birdseed. (P.S. I’m going to meet Heather when I’m home in the summer!! I hope she takes me on one of her walks. ♥️) And S.P.S. You look great, too! You are so loved by so many.

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A big YES to walking meditation! And yes, I’m pretty sure we can make a walk happen when you’re here! 🥰

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Thanks Alison! I definitely need to give walking meditation more of a chance - I thought about doing it today, actually, but it was raining and I balked. Gotta remember I'm not made of sugar! 😜

I hope you get to go for a walk with Heather too!! She's definitely a great companion! ❤️

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Jul 16Liked by Krista

Can’t wait!! I have loved her walks since she used to go to the river in Winnipeg. ♥️

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A great reflection on the need to be tender with ourself through all things - good and bad! Beautiful.

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Thanks, Leanne!

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