
Three forms of liminality

If you're in a liminal space, is it linear, seasonal, or positional?

In part three of what we’re calling our Coffee Break Series (short videos in which Krista and I chat about leadership, liminality, holding space, grief, joy, and what it means to be human), we explore three forms of liminality - linear, seasonal, or positional. In particular, I talk about how, for some of us, liminality can be a form of calling and vocation.

If you want to explore this further, especially if you work with or live with people currently going through liminal space (and, frankly, who isn’t these days?), we hope you’ll join us for our webinar, Exploring Liminality, on Thursday, January 30th.

It’s part of our series, Leadership for Liminal Spaces. You can sign up for a single webinar, or join us for more. There’s also a study group for deeper integration.

Learn more

If you know of anyone else experiencing liminality right now, please share this video with them. And don’t forget to follow our YouTube channel so you won’t miss any of our Coffee Break chats.


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